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   After spending a week in this Jungle, I've realized a few things about my fellow male specimans and it has inspired me to write this speech. This is really more of a thought process put on paper so please follow along carefully, and hold all questions 'til the end of this process.

   First thing I'd like to address is something that is a bit intriguing to me. For  the past week I've been verbally beat down just because I refuse to be like the "jungle dwellers", and I have a good sense of general self-respect. I had an epiphany, one day in the "jungle gym", that was mind boggling, and, honestly, could've changed the way I treat women forever...(notice I said 'could'!). For some reason, men have the urge, or feel the need, to be superior to another being (type of being is irrelevent theoretically speaking). Since we (men) assume women are the "lesser" of the human species, we talk so far down on them, that they end up believeing the lies and deceptions we feed them. It's gotten to the point where we call them "bitches" and "hoes" as a term of endearment.

   What the hell!?

   Are men so insecure about our gender we must tear down the other gender that makes us men who we are? Our creator did not create woman for us to abuse and mistreat. He created woman because he saw that man simply CAN"T DO IT ALONE! It's so bad, now, that woman call themselves these words, and have learned to accept these terms. Is that what my fellow black men and women have done with the "N" word thats supposed to be so offensive?

   A friend of mine "laced me up" on something he believes, and, frankly, it makes alot of sense: "Bitch", "hoe", "nigger", "peckerwood", "wetback", "chink"; all words that are begrading to someone of some race. We use them as a power tool to tear down whatever building (person) we use them on. But, if the word no loonger offends, it no longer has the power to destroy. So we accept them and call ourselves these things, so people can no longer have that "power". "Nigga" is now used by mexicans and whites. "Wood" is now used by blacks and mexicans. "wetback" is by everyone as well. All of these terms are used when playing aroung and joking with one another, and no one seems to care about the fact that they are supposed to be offensive and they truly are begrading. Is this something that we should just accept or should we fight to get people out of this begrading mindset?

   I'm no scholar or psychologist, but I know that, the more we call ourselves "nigga's" , "bitches", "hoes" and any other begrading term, the more we will be that term. Even if we are just talking to our friends and we use these words playing around, that should be unacceptable. Do we really wonder why we have so many of these people out here? It's been implanted in our psyche! The more your friends tell you "bitch you crazy" or "nigga you stupid", the more it's implanted into your mind that you're either a "crazy bitch" or a "stupid nigga"! Are we catching my drift here? Do we really wonder why we got so many crazy stupid people walking around?

   I guess my real question is: What happened to our fight? What happened to people standing up for what is right? Since when did Americans start just sitting back and let people run all over us? Back in Mr. Kings day, this wouldn't be happening! I can assure you, he'd even fight to keep our women protected. I'm really not understanding whats happened over the past 50+ years. Are we really so lost and brainwashed the we don't fight for whats right anymore? Here in the Jungle we'll fight over somone sneezing to loudly or what color the leaf on the top of the tree is when the sun barely peeks over the horizon! And these fights can lead to someone brutally injured! But, we won't fight for something that actually matter in this world?

   Somethings severely wrong here people and I know I'm not the only one to notice this! I can no longer stand by and watch my fellow humans do this to one another! It's time to put the pressure on and start speaking up! Are we scared that "they'll" keep killing us like "they" killed Mr, King & Mr. X? Heh, death didn't scare them and it doesn't scare me! At the ripe age of 25 I'm ready to die for what I believe in! "I have a dream" and that dream WILL continue through me!



Your Fellow Human,

David Berna (a man by the way)



Hello? What the hell?

  Today is April 15th, 2013. A day that two very tragic things have happened. First at about 11:30 this morning, a younger male shot down his pregnant girlfriend and a pursuing officer. The man then went on to have a stand-off with the law enforcement and eventually took his own life. I'm not sure if there was any other fatalities because I  was stuck on one fact: the pregnant woman and that unborn child died,and that really hit home with me. I instantly started praying for all the victims, families, and even the guy who committed this act of violence.

  As I was burdened about this event and trying to move past it, another tragedy happened. In Boston, while a marathon was taking place, two explosions went off near the finish line on the side of the street. I'm not sure how any fatalities there where, but i'll never forget the news anchor's horrorified response to this tragedy, "We don't have a number of fatalites yet, but oh my God, it looks like there's a guy down there and seems to have lost his legs...". My heart dropped so much I found myself on my knees again praying for a world lost to madness.

  These events inspired this speech because, as I was watching the news of this attack, I saw a people who came together to try and help people get to safety, and helping the injured, and instead of swelling up with gratification, I found myself angry. I was angry because its only acts like this that motivates people to set their differences behind them and care about each other. What the hell?

  Yesterday when that person was broke down on the side of the road, we didn't care enough to check to make sure they're ok. We were simply just to busy. How about that homeless dude that needed a couple dollars to eat, but since we assumed he was going to get booze and/or drugs, we said we couldn't spare it. I mean who cares right? We don't know that dude. It isn't our job to take care of another man right? I bet when those bombs went off, no one stopped to think, "Oh that guys not really hurt, he's just faking to get attention. I'll just leave him there." Why do we wait for tragedy to strike to care?

  It's sad when people can't even do right without their true motives being questioned. Makes me question if it's such a bad thing that baby won't experience this place. Is this the society we want to see our kids grow in? Do we want to raise our kids in a place where the only way someone will help them is if they're dying or mortally wounded? I don't see why we can't consider one another BEFORE tragedy strikes.

  When are we going to realize that we are all humans and have the same ulimate goal: happiness and success? When are we going to realize that we can be such a strong force as a whole if we could just come together and get past our differences? Does our skin color really matter that much still? Does the language we speak really matter that much? You know I was watching that Adam Sandler movie "Spanglish" and I found it so profound how the writer of that movie was able to break the language barrier between two charcaters that don't speak each others language, but are still able to communicate and eventuall fall in love.

  Don't we understand that once our kids walk out that front door, we are no longer in control of what happens? Have we forgotten how we were, as a people, after 9/11? The following weeks after that attack, I saw my fellow humans being genuinely kind to eachother. How about after the space shuttle blew up? Again, even that made us kind for a time. So when are we going to start getting like that without a terrible tragedy? Who's going to stand up and fight for our fellow humans? Surely Mr. King or Mr. X didn't die in vain.

  I can almost assure you that if Mr. King were here today, he'd be doing what he does best and get everyone together to march around until we, as a people, decide that we're going to start taking action in making this a better place. Mr. King didn't just fight for "black" people; he fought for humanity. Here's my question to you America: in 2013, who will stand up with me and say, "I have a dream..."?


Your fellow human,

                              David Berna

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