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This section is very important to me. Keep in mind that our Bible says that we do not have a spirit of confusion and quarrels, but of comfort and love.  Although you may have read some off the wall stuff on WorkingBerna's main site, I am a very spiritual man. YHWH has blessed me in so many ways and this is where I want to share my blessings with you all. Here at YHWH's Corner, my goal is for people to be able to come here and not feel judged or scrutinized. I've learned that most people who don't "convert" to Christianity, don't do it because we "Christians" make them feel uncomfortable. I want a place people can go to and actually feel welcomed! I'm no better than you sitting here reading this. Our saviour knows (as well as my close friends) that I've lived a very...eventful life. With everything I've done, it amazes me to be able to feel such Joy. YHWH has shown me so much over the years and I would like to share with you all just what exactly it is our creator has for us. I speak boldly in what i believe in, so if you're offended or ill-eased with anything you see here, please pray on it and get with me one-on-one so we can discuss it.

What We have below are different writings and sermons of mine that I've recieved over the years. I call these "Berna's Scripture" because the word "scripture" means "god breathed" , "inspired by god", or simply "breath". So if one writes something recieved from YHWH, isn't it inspired by YHWH, therefore, scripture? So, no I'm not so concieded I think my writings are that important; I just use the word in its proper context. 

Now that you see how I think a little, I welcome you to YHWH's Corner and I pray for wisdom and knowledge as you read through some of these passages!

YHWH's Corner

Partnered Website: is a website where you can explode into Christian entertainment! Berna is an Administrator for this site and encourages all of you to check out what has to offer. Alot of what you may see here on WorkingBerna you'll find at As WorkingBerna is more focused on the creative mind (writing, drawing, creating), is more focused on the entertainment aspect of our christian world.

The Application Process


Applying Biblical Knowledge to Your Life.

a study by Berna

Food For All?

The YHWH Diet

a study by Berna about our spiritual diet...and physical?

Who's the "chosen"? Who is "Isreal"?


A study to discover who we are and how we are fellow heirs to the kingdom. By Berna.

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